Nothing much to report here lately, but there’s stuff happening.
My in-laws sent a package and my father-in-law managed to find HP2 in Lithuanian in the original american cover version. I love how people around me are all happy to help me find the books I don’t have yet – it makes me happy!
I also bought a stack of merch at Scificon this year – a booth had some fair prices and added -20% off on top of that, so I got some Xmas decorations for later this year, a couple of puzzles and a hair brush – with 1,6 meters of hair, you can never have too many hair brushes.
Mostly, I’ve been playing a LOT of Hogwarts Legacy. I’m over 100 hours in the game. I finished the first play through with my Ravenclaw character and now I’m playing as a Gryffindor student. Sadly, there’s a bug in the game, which means I’m stuck at 99% done. It’s super frustrating. I hope my other character will be able to get to 100%. Eventually, I will finish with all 4 houses. It’s such a nice, detailed game. There’s so many things to explore and do and the main story is really nice, too. A rare game that I’ve really enjoyed a lot so far.
Also, they announced an HP tv show on HBO. Each season will be based off a book. I’ve heard a lot of people being skeptic about the casting, since the original actors from the movies can’t resume their roles, but honestly, I think as long as they stay true to the characters, it’s a great idea. The movies were good, but especially the later ones were not very true to the books and honestly could have been better. I really hope the series with the possibility of having longer playtime per book will do the story justice. I’m excited!