Birthday gifts for a nerd

So last weekend was my birthday and I had a little party for some of my friends. They all know of and respect my love of Harry Potter, and I think every single one of them gifted me something that had to do with my favourite wizard. Since it ’tis almost the season and all, some of them were also Christmas themed. I have a rule that Christmas things are only allowed for my birthday if they have to do with Harry Potter or Lego – so it’s all good.
My Christmas tree becomes more and more magic with every year, and I’m so excited to decorate my tree this year, since I got no less than 4 new ornaments for it! (plus the 3 I bought at a convention earlier this year). I’m also working on a magical tree skirt, but more on that in a later post.
One of my friends had also gone out of her way to find me very unique gifts – she travels a lot and after visiting many book shops in Morocco managed to find an Arabic Harry Potter book! She also brought me the 2nd book in Italian.
My father-in-law completed my set of the first editions of the Lithuanian Harry Potter books by sending me the 5th book, which was the last one I was missing. He has been hunting it down in 2nd hand shops for me and sent it by courier with a care package from Lithuania.
I’ve also already started on my HP-themed Christmas sweaters – I think they’re non-seasonal enough that I can wear them before December – especially considering that my little village is all cozy and covered in white snow.

Oh yeah, and I’ll also include my latest 2nd hand purchase. A friend was nice enough to middleman the purchase, since the seller didn’t want to ship it. Sadly, it wasn’t in as good a condition as I first thought, but still a nice addition with the British adult versions.

Nov 30, 2023


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