The Blog

I’ll be posting here whenever I add something new to either of my collections – or something else Harry Potter-related happens that I wanna tell you about.


Still collecting

Still collecting

It's been a while, but I'm still here and still collecting! I added a couple of books since my last update, but nothing super interesting - HP6 in German (original cover art version) and HP3 in the original British children's hardcover version.  A friend of mine went...

HPkegle year 1: complete!

HPkegle year 1: complete!

A year ago, I decided to reboot this page and turn it into a blog. Last New Year's, I basically decided that I wanted to give my Harry Potter collection the love it deserves - and part of that was creating this page.  My collection grew quite a lot, although not as...

Christmas presents

Christmas presents

My family knows me well and this Christmas, gifted me with nice gifts! The first two books in Belarus (just published this year), a Lego HP chess set (Finally have all the golden anniversary figurines!) and a Hedwig sculpture to match my Fawkes. I really like these...

Facebook marketplace finds

Facebook marketplace finds

So a week and a half ago, I finally found the last of the Danish 5th edition books I was missing. The guy also had some of the new editions (8) for sale. The price was a bit on the higher side for a not mint condition book, but the 5th edition is somewhat hard to find...

Christmas at HPkegle

Christmas at HPkegle

December has arrived and this year, our Christmas tree got a bit more Potter'y. I bought a super cheap Chinese tree train and modded it to look like the Hogwarts Express! It was a pretty simple modification, and it's of course not exactly like the original, but a...

November Potter updates

November Potter updates

November has been a busy month for me, and brought on a lot of Harry Potter-related news, too. First off, I managed to get a new box of the Danish special collection. I already had the books themselves, but the box and serial number were missing in my set. I found the...

Finally, a new 2nd hand find

Finally, a new 2nd hand find

So I guess I'm not the only one feeling the current world situation with rising prices etc. I'm not critically suffering or anything, but I do have a house heated by natural gas. Which means that I haven't really felt comfortable splurging on things I don't...

The Last Lithuanian

The Last Lithuanian

Just a little update - I added the last of the Lithuanian anniversary Harry Potter books to my collection! My father-in-law has taken great care checking out my collection and figuring out which books I was missing and he's been gifting me one at every opportunity....

New Lego set: Hogwarts Icons!

New Lego set: Hogwarts Icons!

I've been in love with this set since it came out, but I didn't so much love the price tag... And since it's a Lego store exclusive, it's rarely a part of supermarket and toy store 25% off (since most of them don't have it).  So when I finally had a chance to grab it...

Birthday presents

Birthday presents

Yesterday was my friend's birthday, and we've known each other for a really long time. Growing up, we shared our HP obsession and later on, we're also cosplaying together. I wanted to get her a present that would be personal and sort of symbolize our friendship, and I...