So a week and a half ago, I finally found the last of the Danish 5th edition books I was missing. The guy also had some of the new editions (8) for sale. The price was a bit on the higher side for a not mint condition book, but the 5th edition is somewhat hard to find and especially when not buying in sets, so I agreed with the seller about price etc. He seemed nice and honest, but I actually thought I had been scammed, because there were a ton of excuses. First he didn’t have a printer, then the courier wasn’t giving him a label, then he would just swing by with the books, but then didn’t respond for almost 2 full days, and then didn’t want to send the tracking number when he said he’d sent them. But to my relief, they did arrive today. Wrapped pretty alternatively, but they only suffered minor damage and all in all, I’m happy. Finally have the full set and the beginning of the newest set as well.