It’s been a while since my last general update, so I thought I’d do a little status of where my collection is so far!
I’ve just added the Czech box set (modelled by Henry the cat) to my collection, bringing total unique book count up to 258. I’m at 33 different languages so far. Sadly, I didn’t get to travel much this year, so I didn’t add many new books. I did have a few lucky 2nd hand finds, and I have added some editions I didn’t have from languages I did have, so it’s not all stagnant. I also finally got the Bosnian box set, which was a dream of mine for quite a few years as well, because it’s so weird and fun and unique.
Below is an updated photo of my collection at it’s current state. Sadly I don’t have space to display everything, so most of my lego sets are packed away at the moment. But I’m also more excited about displaying my books, anyways – they are my true passion! In November I will fullfil a long-standing dream of visiting the Harry Potter studios in London, and I’m really excited about that!